Dangerous Love (1988) (2025)

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Directed by Marty Ollstein


When your dream date becomes your worst nightmare.

A psychopath kills members of a video dating club and records their deaths.

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  • Cast
  • Crew
  • Details
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Lawrence Monoson Anthony Geary Brenda Bakke Angelyne Peter Marc Jacobson Teri Austin Sal Landi Kimberley Kates Robin Klein Elliott Gould Collin Bernsen Eloise DeJoria Lisa Friede Nicole Picard Eli Rich Brenda Swanson Tom Fisher Romy Rosemont


Marty Ollstein


Steven Stabler Brad Krevoy


Marty Ollstein

Original WriterOriginal Writer

Leo Marks


Anthony M. Lanza


Nicholas Josef von Sternberg

Assistant DirectorAsst. Director

Matt Hinkley


Stephen Crawford

Production DesignProduction Design

Michael Paul Clausen

Art DirectionArt Direction

Greg Maher

Set DecorationSet Decoration

Chava Danielson


Terry James Scott Haas Bill Hart Carol Neilson Jeff Ramsey Al Wyatt Sr. Jerry Spicer Eddie Braun


Paul Hertzog


Motion Picture Corporation of America Concorde Pictures


USA Italy



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01 Sep 1988
  • Dangerous Love (1988) (3)USA

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Dangerous Love (1988) (4)USA
01 Sep 1988
  • Theatrical

96mins More atIMDbTMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

  • Review by Callisto ★★ 4


    For those who are getting into online dating, this may be a great movie for you. Take a look back at the old ways of video dating through the power of VHS tapes. If that doesn't apply to you, you'll probably want to watch Dangerous Love for Elliott Gould who plays a badass homicide detective. Or if you're a fan of the masterpiece known as Death Spa, you'll see Brenda Bakke.

    Creating your "date tape" took much more effort than today's photo and a small amount of text for dating apps. While dated technology, date tapes still have something that modern dating apps (to my knowledge) don't have: sound. I'm sure many have been turned down because of their…

  • Review by belial_carboni ★★½ 4

    Do you enjoy cheesy 80s dating videos, dated computer technology and endless walls of those tacky glass bricks? Then Dangerous Love might just be for you! A sexy saxophone driven murder mystery that plays out like a clumsy giallo.

    Dream Date is a state of the art video dating program that promises all of your deepest desires! Submit your video today to see if you match one of the many smokeshows who are standing by for a hot date! When a violent serial killer hacks into Dream Dates hard drive all of it's members become possible victims. The killer slowly hunts down numerous woman and video tapes their murders! Dream Date? More like Death Fate!

    I love the premise and…

  • Review by nordicshrew

    every character in this movie seems to have at least a few occasions on which they just forget how to pronounce common words.

    more importantly, it's really difficult to explain how time moves with this movie. i thought an hour had passed when we were 32 minutes in; when we were 1:07 into the film i had the weirdest sensation of having started watching it when i was a small child. maybe i hit pause for 35 years and picked up where i left off...? but no... no, when the movie ended, i genuinely felt like i had been watching it for my entire life--no pauses, just this. this movie represents the totality of what it means for me to…

  • Review by single white femalien 2

    great concept, regrettably botched execution BUT angelyne is in it?????? it also ends on a true 80s bop ive never heard before www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm1-FznXA04

  • Review by 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒂 ★★

    Gotta love the ridiculous hacking scenes and dramatic dating profile videos. 🙃

  • Review by Johnny Bishop

    Last time I saw this movie, it was a VHS rip on YouTube, but I am starting to notice far cleaner prints surfacing with the MGM logo instead of the late '80s Media Home Entertainment variant. Could Vinegar Syndrome be prepping a Blu-Ray release of DANGEROUS LOVE? It's a definite possibility, but all I can say is I'm not itching to possess a copy once it drops. Whether you're in true blue love or an incurable bachelor, this is exceptionally meek date night material.

    It's been a few years since his starring debut, but Lawrence Monoson just couldn't seem to stop playing The Last American Virgin. Despite supporting turns in a couple of acclaimed features, as Rocky Dennis' best pal…

  • Review by Crypt The Keeper ★★½

    "I'm gonna take you to the hottest club in LA"
    Cut to 10 couples slow dancing in a bar

  • Review by jpatt ★★½

    Gabe is awful, and does the exact wrong thing at every opportunity. We knew the bad guy within 15 minutes and it was a slow, awkward burn. But it had a lot of fun vintage 80s moments. And boobs.

  • Review by That Dang Phil ★★★

    Ultra-80s erotic thriller trash. Clumsy, paced poorly, but there's some genuinely interesting scenes and sequences. Forcing a guy to play a clarinet at gunpoint so you can slow dance with your captive is some quasi-David Lynch shit.

    Not good but I had fun.

  • Review by Howard Yang ★★

    Murder in the video dating club! I get why Tony Geary is in this but why is Elliott Gould? I appreciate the old school PC hacking sequences and the killer lugging around a giant camcorder.

  • Review by Johnny Andrews ★★


    If I ever need to use a dating service, I’m going to pick one with glass brick walls.

    It would be pretty handy to learn that descrambler PC hack too.

  • Review by Katie

    gould plays a homicide (which he over-enunciates as ‘home-aside’) detective having an affair with his cop partner 25 years his junior. he points at stuff with his gun. he shows off his shoulder hair.

    the rest of the movie is saxophone-laden big-hair small-butt 80s nonsense and felt 4 hours long.

Dangerous Love (1988) (2025)


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.